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Returns a concentration profile for each point in x as function of time t
Version : 1.0
Author : George Kourakos
web :
Date 28-Mar-2014
Department of Land Air and Water
University of California Davis
C = ADE1Danalytical(x, t, v, cf, aL, Dm, lambda, R)
x: points in 1D domain where we want to compute the breakthrough curve
t: times where the concentration will be computed
v: pore velocity i.e. v=V/porosity
cf: Input concentration
aL: Longitudinal dispersion coefficient
Dm: Molecular diffusion coefficient
lambda: Decay constant
R: Retardation factor
C: [NtxNp] matrix where Nt is the number of time steps and Np is the points where we want to compute the breakthrough
In the following example we will compute the breakthrough curve for 200 years of transport along a 10 km path, which is a quite common in non-point source pollution. The velocity is 0.3 m/day. The concentration profiles will be computed at yearly basis.
Dm = 1e-7; R = 1; aL = 1000; cf = 1; lambda = 0; x = 1:100:10000; t = [0:200]*365; v = 0.3; C = ADE1Danalytical(x,t,v,cf,aL,Dm,lambda,R); surf(x/1000,t/365,C,'edgecolor','none') title ('Concentration profile') xlabel('x [km]') ylabel('Time [years]') view(0,90)